The problem

Patients who fail to show up for scheduled appointments or cancel at the last minute - do not give the health center the opportunity to fill the appointment slot, resulting in both a loss of time and money for the health center, as well as disruption of the timely care of the remaining patients. There are many reasons why patients miss their appointments. They may have forgotten it, have problems with transportation due to weather, or may not be able to leave work on time. It is therefore considered to be of major importance that both private doctors and health care units be able to predict the no-shows of their patients, so that they can replace the cancelled appointment in time and no loss of time and money is noted. For example, a private physician is interested in investigating the profile of individuals as well as the reasons they are more likely to cancel an appointment.

The purpose

Identifying the profile of patients who tend to cancel appointments with their doctor.

The solution

By using machine learning and artificial intelligence models based on historically recorded and confirmed no-show data, the profile of patients who tend to cancel their doctor's appointments will be identified, making it easier to predict non-appearance of a patient in the future.

The benefit

Both private doctors and health care units will be able to predict patients who may fail to show up for their scheduled appointment resulting to save time and money.